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Maximising Workforce Flexibility: The Strategic Advantage of Transactional Temps

​Why would a business utilise Transactional Temps? In the ever-changing world of finance, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is crucial. Transactional temps offer a strategic solution for companies looking to navigate the ebb and flow of business needs with precision. Covering absences is just the tip of the iceberg; these temporary professionals can seamlessly integrate into teams to maintain productivity, even in the face of unexpected leave or secondments. They are the unsung heroes in backlog clearance, adept at diving into accumulated work and emerging victorious, thus safeguarding a company's operational continuity. During the inevitable rush of busy periods, transactional temps are akin to a cavalry charge, reinforcing your ranks precisely when you need it the most. Whether it's the end-of-year financial wrap-up or a surge in month-end processes, their presence ensures that your business not only survives but thrives under pressure. Moreover, their specialist skills are a huge benefit, filling gaps in expertise without the long-term commitment of a permanent hire, allowing for a nimble response to project-specific demands or a sudden need for specialised knowledge. Above all, the flexibility transactional temps bring to the table is unparalleled. In an environment where market fluctuations are as certain as the sunrise, the ability to scale your workforce up or down without delay is invaluable. This adaptability can be the difference between seizing opportunities or watching them pass by. For the finance teams of many businesses, transactional temps are not just a temporary fix but a key component of a robust staffing strategy, enabling resilience and competitive advantage in a landscape that waits for no one. What are the benefits of using a Transactional Temp specialist: This is where the expertise of a Transactional Temp specialist becomes invaluable. Unforeseen circumstances often arise, necessitating immediate and effective staffing solutions. A specialist Transactional Temp Consultant, with a deep understanding of your business and its culture, can ensure a swift and successful temporary placement, mitigating the risks associated with urgent hiring needs. The true strength of a specialist lies in their proactive approach. By maintaining a talent pool of thoroughly vetted and verified candidates, a Transactional Temp Consultant can guarantee not only a rapid response but also the highest quality of candidates. This pre-emptive strategy is crucial in a field where time is of the essence and the cost of a bad hire can be significant. Moreover, a specialist's intimate knowledge of the market allows them to screen and decide which candidates won’t work, going beyond mere CVs to identify the truly desirable candidates. Their consultative nature means they don't just fill positions; they provide tailored solutions, and sometimes even alternative approaches, to your staffing challenges. In conclusion, the benefits of partnering with a specialist finance and accounting Transactional Temp Consultant are clear. They offer speed, quality, and insight that a generalist supplier simply cannot match. In the fast-paced financial sector, such specialisation is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Is hiring a temp a Cost or a value? The decision to hire a Transactional Temp is often met with hesitation, primarily due to cost concerns. However, a closer examination reveals that the value they bring can far outweigh the expense. Consider the alternative: the hidden costs of not hiring a temp. Overburdened permanent staff may suffer increasing demands and decreasing productivity, which can lead to costly errors or staff turnover. A Transactional Temp offers a solution that is both flexible and controlled, allowing companies to manage their workforce in response to fluctuating demands. This agility is a significant advantage in the any sector where market conditions can change rapidly. By paying only for the hours needed, firms can maintain operational efficiency without the commitment of a permanent hire. Moreover, the 'Temp to Perm' approach serves as a strategic 'try before you buy' model. It mitigates the risk of a permanent hiring mistake, which can be expensive and disruptive. In essence, a Transactional Temp specialist is not just a temporary cost but a strategic investment in the company's adaptability and resilience. By understanding the full spectrum of benefits, financial firms can make informed decisions that support their long-term success. ​Are you looking to strengthen your team with top-tier finance and accountancy professionals? At Sharp Consultancy, we excel in connecting your business with exceptional talent for temporary, interim, or permanent roles. With our well-established offices in Leeds and Sheffield, our experienced consultants are dedicated to serving businesses across Yorkshire and beyond. Don't leave your recruitment needs to chance—contact us TODAY and let's find the perfect candidates to drive your business forward. ​​

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Those of you who have known me for some time might be surprised to read that this is my first comment piece of 2021. Normally, I would be out of the trap like a rabbit during the first days of January with uplifting and inspiring words to share on how ‘new year brings new opportunities in your career’ and there’s ‘no better time to look ahead and shape the team around you for success’.

This year, however, has got off to somewhat of a different start.

I began 2021 much like I do every year. Phone calls to clients and candidates, exchanging pleasantries about the festive break, sending best wishes for the coming year and then moving on to discuss business. But during those early days of January, each conversation followed what was to become a very familiar path.

“So how are things?” I’d ask, to which I was met with, “We’re not really sure.”

I’d had comparable conversations with many of these same people pre-Christmas and the contrast in responses and mood could not be more stark. Then, there was a collective feeling that, let’s face it, 2020 had been – to put it politely – pretty rubbish all round; but as the end of the year approached there was a sense of optimism, the mood was decidedly upbeat, and you felt that a corner was very much about to be turned – “we just need to get through these next few weeks and 2021 will be a new start” (or words in a similar vein).

But then the hammer blow came – tucked into that week between Christmas and New Year when you are never quite sure what day of the week it is – that we were to be plunged back into a national lockdown.

Now you might say that this was not completely unexpected. In fact, you might argue that after the introduction of the tier system, the four week lockdown in November and the last-minute changes to relaxing the rules over the festive period, it was very much on the cards and was, by the majority of people, entirely expected. But despite all of signs that it was coming, it certainly knocked the wind out of a lot of peoples’ sails.

So why was that when we have effectively been living and working under enforced restrictions in some form or another for well over nine months now? The more people that I engaged with, the more apparent the answer became.

It was clear that nobody expected that this would all be done and dusted, as if the chimes from Big Ben would signal the time for COVID-19 to leave the party. But there was something about the shift from 2020 to 2021 that had given people something to hold onto as the end of the year approached, and that, come the new year, things could be and would be different. It was what had driven them on through those final weeks – possibly why for some the November lockdown was close to, as things currently stand, business as usual – as they drew on their last reserves of resilience to see out 2020 and be ready to face 2021 with renewed focus and determination.

And whilst for many, little changed from one day to the next following the lockdown announcement as they were already operating under some degree of restrictions, the collective psyche that we were leaving the rollercoaster of 2020 behind and turning a new page/making a fresh start/opening a new chapter (insert your own favourite cliché as you wish) which had helped people get through the final few weeks of the year had been whipped away overnight.

For many, the news that 2021 was starting with more of the same, took several weeks of mental adjustment whilst they got to grips with the situation, regrouped and reset their priorities. However the last week or so has seen the tide start to turn and my most recent conversations with those that I spoke with at the beginning of the year have been peppered with much more of the resolve and fight that will ensure that we emerge from this.

Any runners amongst you will have no doubt said at some point that the final miles of any race can be the hardest. It seems that there are still a few more miles of this particular race to be run – but we should all remind ourselves that we are now much closer to the end than we were at the beginning.

Sharp Consultancy specialises in the recruitment and executive search of finance and accountancy professionals. With offices in Leeds and Sheffield our highly experienced team of consultants recruit for temporary, interim and permanent roles across the full spectrum of positions throughout Yorkshire and beyond. CONTACT US today and speak to a member of our team about your recruitment needs or next career move.